Wednesday, June 03, 2009

YAC: Yet Another Constitution

We, the sovereign Filipino people would always want to modify our Constitution for the nth time.

That would be an accurate first sentence for our preamble.

Speaking of preambles, here are the preambles over the years:

Version 1.0 - 1899 version


"Nosotros los Representantes del Pueblo Filipino, convocados legítimamente para establecer la justicia, proveer a la defensa común, promover el bien general y asegurar los beneficios de la libertad, implorando el auxilió del Soberano Legislador del Universo para alcanzar estos fines, hemos votado, decretado y sancionado la siguiente" ”

(We, the Representatives of the Filipino people, lawfully covened, in order to establish justice, provide for common defense, promote the general welfare, and insure the benefits of liberty, imploring the aid of the Sovereign Legislator of the Universe for the attainment of these ends, have voted, decreed, and sanctioned the following)

Look Ma! Spanish!
I wonder if the common citizen could expertly read Spanish at that time.

Of course, this version wasn't created with the approval of the then-owner guardian of the Philippines, Good Ol' Uncle Sam. So this might be called version 0.1 and have the versions of the other modifications renumbered.

Apparently, the former inhabitants of the country ignored the arrival of the Americans as the new boss of the town and pretended they were gaining independence and had won over the Spaniards when in fact, the independence battle (like what others would say about the NASA landing on the moon) was a hollywood scripted act that came into play when Spain signed the country over to the Americans.

Version 2.0 - 1935 version

"The Filipino people, imploring the aid of Divine Providence, in order to establish a government that shall embody their ideals, conserve and develop the patrimony of the nation, promote the general welfare, and secure to themselves and their posterity the blessings of independence under a regime of justice, liberty, and democracy, do ordain and promulgate this constitution."

This version had the stamp of approval from Dear Uncle Sam and one of the deemed prerequisites for Uncle Sam's grant of independence.

Ah, the teenage life!
Asking for independence by writing a constitution as proof of maturity! How about that?

Please Uncle, please!

Version 3.0 - 1943 version

"The Filipino people, imploring the aid of Divine Providence and desiring to lead a free national existence, do hereby proclaim their independence, and in order to establish a government that shall promote the general welfare, conserve and develop the patrimony of the Nation, and contribute to the creation of a world order based on peace, liberty, and moral justice, do ordain this Constitution."

This was during WWII.

Remember the Nazis, the Japs and the Marios?
The axis powers versus the Allies headed by the Big Three (Russia, British Empire and whad'ya know US)?

Anyway, the country was under the manufacturers of anime and they love dolls and puppets so much they allowed the puppet government to write a constitution.

Version 4.0 - 1973 version

"We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Divine Providence, in order to establish a government that shall embody our ideals, promote the general welfare, conserve and develop the patrimony of our Nation, and secure to ourselves and our posterity the blessings of democracy under a regime of justice, peace, liberty, and equality, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.


This was during the reign of King Marcos. With his gallant hand, he has set forth the holy age of the country called the "Martial Law Regime".

It was a Golden Age, they say. Apparently it was only the "cronies" who mentioned that and they only said those words during the era of King Marcos.

King Marcos was able to fool convince the authors of the wikipedia the revised Constitution to give him unlimited number of lives in the presidential game.

Version 5.1 - 1987 version

"We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane society, and establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our posterity, the blessings of independence and democracy under the rule of law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution."

This was during the real Golden Age, or as what the supporters of the Aquino Administration would say. This was the era after King Marcos where a "plain housewife" took the throne, err, given the presidency by the people, or so history would say.

This was after the People Power Revolution now commonly referred as "EDSA I", which is the name of a busy street in the country's capital where there is a flux of traffic jams and vehicular accidents.

Why 5.1?
There was something called a "Freedom Constitution" during 1986, but it there was no Preamble. So tough luck!

Oh oh!
By now, you would've noticed that this is the version that the word "GOD" is first used in the preamble.
I dunno why the other versions had used more eloquent and fancier words. Perhaps, the authors had tried to make the country appear liberal and that there was an overflowing atmosphere of religious tolerance. It's either that or the authors just wanted to show future readers they are well-informed and have richer vocabulary. Perhaps the next version would have something like "with the aid of the FORCE" or "the aid of Big Brother" or "the aid of the United States" or even simpler like "the aid of the Boss" or "the aid of the One" or "the aid of the Many" or "the aid of No One Else".

Anyway At this time, the Constitution wrote off the historical ownership rights of the country of historical territories like Sabah by the deletion or exclusion of some lines in the territory section. Anyway, who cares about such stuff?

Anyway, this is the constitution that is currently being targeted for modification.

And in case you get to join the Constitional Committe,
please have the word "Sovereign" removed!


Alas, the above list might be needing modification in a few years or so depending whether there is a new revision and when that revision would be released.

And if someone might ask
y should I care about the constitution? We didn't even cover that one in our ultra private exclusive university"

Then tell them what I told my history teacher in college when he wondered why a study of the constitution is part of the curriculum.
"It's written in the Constitution, Article 14, Section 3"

Our Constitution is the single most valuable paper-based product there is (other than the napkin, the toilet paper and your birth certificate).

It's the thing that protects us from the well-informed, educated, well-bred money-having power-greedy bastards. Although if the problem is about common barbaric ruthless crime elements then that's another story since there is no protection against the money-having power-greedy bastards who are neither well-informed, educated nor well-bred. That's where the Divine Providence, Almighty God,
Soberano Legislador del Universo come in.

Anyway, think of the Constitution as a condom and a fertility idol wrapped in one package. It defines your
"nation", it defines the boundaries of your territories, it defines your rights, it defines your population, it defines peace, justice, equality and liberty or whatever those terms mean.
(I may be wrong, though )

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