Monday, May 25, 2009

Hayden Mitsurugi Style!

Move over Kenshin!

Back in high school / college, I used to hear kids saying "Hiten Mitsurugi!" in reference to a sword technique practiced by a famous manga/anime character, Kenshin Himura.

I wonder with the frequent showing of short censored clips of the hayden-katrina video scandal and the endless number of news update about it... would kids of this generation be shouting the phrase "Hayden Mitsurugi Technique!"

If that would become a reality, then the media and the good ol' public officials are at the top of the list to be applauded for the phenomenon. If it werent for the considerable amount of time they spent on promoting the video by publicing prohibiting and abhorring it, only the avid porn-flick fanatic and the casual ultra-curious internet user would have known about it.

Oh well. The blogger community would be probably come in third in the list of people/organizations future generations should thank for distributing and spreading word about the video.

But the blogger community are, of the moment, constrained to the web browser-internet medium, so it's still a big lead by the the top two players (media and the public officials) who have the power of radio and television at their command.

Somebody should keep stats and do surveys with questions like "Where did you hear about the sex video?"

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