Monday, May 25, 2009

Alec Baldwin and Blaming Everyone But Ourselves

Just imagine the ff scenarios:

1. Japan complains about remarks made about Japan's WWII crimes against women and the weird kind of porn they make(girl always crying and the rape-like scenes).

2. Germany complains about nazi jokes and remarks about their army performing anti-semitic and atrocious activities.

3. US complains that it's not fair to remark that US is the top porn promoter of the world or the top exporter of the worlds' religions or christian groups.

4. Mexico complains about the frequent use of "illegal entry of Mexicans" plot or scenario in Hollywood movie and television scripts.

5. US govt complains about the remarks in local television and movies that American tourists are always out to exploit local citizens, and the frequent depiction of Americans as egotistic rich dumb bastards in everyday conversation on the street and at the household.

What's with the big deal if something from our nation is painted in a bad and funny way in other countries?!

Deal with it!

We have a choice. We can either CHOOSE to feel bad about it or we take it as something funny and laugh along.


If our nation's pride is something so fragile that it can easily be dented by random simple remarks made by mere private citizens of foreign nations, then it isn't stable, strong or even even valuable enough to begin with.

What kind of pride is that?!

The remarks were not even about our nation in general but of certain negative(or perceived negative) aspects. Alec Baldwin's remark was not about all women or brides from the Philippines, it was simply something about his desire to have more children in the soonest possible time since he is now way beyond old.

It was a satirical remark about an American availing an underground male-oriented service from an under-developed nation. The remark was actually more about the mind of a love-deprived or a desperate American rather than that of a Filipino or a Russian mail-to-order bride.

So it was MOST DEFINITELY not an H-Bomb or an act of war targeted at us.

All the defensiveness expressed by our govt and certain groups are mere symptoms of guilt and helplessness. We can only see the falseness and the humiliation, and none of the truth and possible reformation.

We can only see that the remark was a lame generalization and that it was an attack on our nation but failed to see entirely the sad truth in it and that fact, that we have elevated a simple remark about a coincidental truth to an actual attack on our nation's dignity.

If truth be told, we are not just the ones taking the damage, we are also the ones giving most of it. Summing that up, the result is "self-inflicted" damage.

Since we cannot change the underlying condition, we might as well blame anyone who reminds us of them, eh?

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