Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's not YOU. It's THEM!!

I've read an amusing post in a colleague's blogsite(shardsofarmor). A demon reportedly came to him and told him the ff:

"You surround yourself with people that you call friends and engage in what you consider as intelligent conversations. But really, none of you idiots have any idea of what you're talking about."

I was confused and was at lost and had an overwhelming desire to check what those words mean and if those words have been uttered or have been published elsewhere by people who had conversations with the devil. (translation: I had nothing sensible to do)

And there is only one source on earth(other than the Christian Bible) where they say we can find answers.

So I decided to google it on Google(yes, google the verb and google the noun in one line);

And whadyaknow?!

The paragraph is about US Politics!

Click to see google results


It's always about politicians. It's always about them.

So that's that. All the muddle had been un-muddled. My friend was probably talking about US Politics.

I'm not a Google-search expert and don't know how Google exactly connected the search text to US Politics but if anyone ask what the following phrases mean: "friends", "intelligent", "idiots", "talking".

I'd say "they spell US Politics"

Another thing...

I have also noticed that adding the phrase

"A demon came to me and said,"

in the google search(right before the first sentence of "You surround yourself") would display blog posts that have been authored by people who in another lifetime(or in another blog post) could have posted something like the ff:

"You surround yourself with people that you call friends and engage in what you consider as intelligent conversations. But really, none of you idiots have any idea of what you're talking about."

Ah the cycle...

Click to see google results

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