Thursday, January 22, 2009

Lame Church Music

I've heard plenty of church music from different denominations of Christianity. But the most lame is the one I heard from a local church.

It goes something like:

"I have been trampled by enemies
I have suffered greatly in their hands
Take pity on me, Lord"

Now now now, those lines are not verbatim but the jist is the same.

The lines are not the ones that add tone and heart to the song - it's the tune.
The way the song was sung was the saddest and most miserable I have ever heard.

My guess is that it was a localization or an adaptation of a more popular song. A more cheerful song, I bet.

People might think I'm shallow and thick-headed, but that song doesn't sing of hopefulness and faith, it speaks more of helplessness and papa-gimme-me-help.

It might be just the choir or the group of people singing it. Here in this part of the world, the old loyal church goers are kinda like that - prayerful and miserable, faithful and blind. For them, the church, is an altar for crying out complaints to a higher authority. As for me, I belong to the thoughtful-but-cynical-and-couldnt-do-anything-different-anyway generation. Oh, how I wish the next generation of eager-but-not-dumb, sometimes-skeptic-but-not-cynical, loyal-but-not-kiss-ass people.

If the choir was composed of such people, I bet the song would be more cheerful and something that sings of faith and total surrender to the will of the Lord.

Imagine thousands of people hearing this kind of miserable song every Sunday. Think of the subliminal implications and effects on the human subconscious?


People would eventually believe they're so lame that they would allow people to literally trample them, and that they would beg the all mighty authority to save their sorry asses.

My God is the god of the mighty and kind - of the strong and good - people who pray to get them enabled to love, to share, to save. In this little side of the world, millions of people have the practice of visiting churches to cry their pain and ask for help(where half of those people make an extra visit if they got their ass saved for the day).

For years, the local churches, have consciously or unconsciously used this mass psychology tactic to sway people back to their fold and move further away from the purer form of their faith.

There is, after all, a possibility that all of us will be classified as pagans or clinical idiots in the distant future, and that the atheists were right... but there are gods in this little part of the world - good ones, cruel ones and just indifferent ones. These are the influential and charismatic people. Most of these guys are in politics, and these are the ones under "cruel" and "indifferent". And as an added bonus there are millions of lame people ready to follow anyone who can save them from their lame lives.


This nation has a lots of issues and most of them are self-inflicted.

Anyway, there's a chance the new generation might (just might) save us. But there's also the chance the young generation have already got their minds brainwashed with lame songs.

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